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Our Changing Planet: The View from Space
The book is one of the most comprehensive and truly understandable collections of eye-popping NASA satellite imagery, as well as the current science behind it, and what it all means in terms of global climate change. It is published by Cambridge University Press.
Here you can find all pictures that were included in the Our Changing Planet: The View from Space book. Pictures are organized reflecting the book organization.
The Dynamic Atmosphere
Clouds - Are the Shutters of the Earth Changing?
Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties
Clouds and the Earth's Radiation Budget
Water Vapor
A World of Rain
Hurricanes: Connections with Climate Change
Warming and Cooling of the Atmosphere
Dust in the Wind
Atmospheric Pollution: A Global Problem
Ship Tracks
Airplane Contrails
Weekly Cycle of Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution from Space
The Ozone Hole
The Chlorine Threat to Earth's Ozone Shield
The Vital Land
The San Andreas Fault: Adjustments in the Earth's Crust
Mount Pinatubo: An Enduring Volcanic Hazard
Extreme Floods
Satellite Monitoring of Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever Epidemics
Snow Cover - The Most Dynamic Feature on the Earth's Surface
Glaciers: Scribes of Climate; Harbingers of Change
Boreal Forests: A Lengthening Growing Season
Soil Moisture: A Critical Underlying Role
The Sunlit Earth
Temperature of the Land Surface
The Restless Ocean
Ocean Bathymetry and Plate Tectonics
Ocean Surface Topography and Circulation
Heat in the Ocean
Sea Level Rise
Winds Over Ocean
The Stormy Atlantic
The Ocean Biosphere
Coccolithophores and the 'Sea of Milk'
Coral Bleaching
Hunting Red Tides from Space
Marine Sediments
The Frozen Caps
Antarctica: A Continent Revealed
Ice Sheets on the Move
Ice Sheets and the Threat to Global Sea Level
The Great White Ocean: The Artic's Changing Sea Ice Cover
Bound Together: Arctic Sea Ice, Ocean, and Atmosphere
Sea Ice: The Shifting Crust of the Southern Ocean
Antarctic Polynyas: Ventilation, Bottom Water, and High Productivity for the World's Oceans
Evidence of Our Tenure
Mapping the Ancient Maya Landscape from Space
Global Land Use Changes
The Changing Role of Fire on Earth
The Tropical Rain Forest: Threatened Powerhouse of the Biosphere
The Green Wave
Monitoring Urban Areas Globally and Locally
Gray Wave of the Great Transformation
Urban Heat Islands
Urbanization in China: The Pearl River Delta Example
Water Issues in the Fertile Crescent: Irrigation in Southeastern Turkey
Chronicling the Destruction of Eden: The Draining of the Iraqi Marshes
Destruction of the Aral Sea
The Desiccation of Lake Chad
Industrial Pollution in the Russian Arctic
Oil Spills at Sea