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The Earth Observer: Jan - Feb, 2004

Volume 16, Issue 1

In This Issue

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  • Editor's CornerFront Cover
  • Meeting/Workshop Summaries
  • SORCE Science Team Holds First Meeting Since Launch3
  • Other Items of Interest
  • CMORPH: High-Resolution Global Precipitation Analysis System15
  • New USGS Product Line18
  • Kudos19
  • NASA’s Improved Web-Resource on the World’s Changing Climate24
  • International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences21
  • Warming Oceans Could Mean More Rainy Days in Paradise26
  • Regular Features
  • EOS Scientists in the News20
  • Earth Science Education Program Update22
  • Science Calendars27
  • The Earth Observer Information/InquiriesBack cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King EOS Senior Project Scientist I’m pleased to report that the Consolidated Appropriations Bill that consolidated funding normally allocated in 7 separate Appropriations Bills, including the Veterans Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies (including NASA) for FY2004 has been signed by the President on January 23, 2004. NASA and many departments of the government have been operating under 7 different continuing resolutions since the start of the fi scal year on October 1, 2003. The bill appropriates $15.38 B for NASA for FY 2004, which is $10 M more than the FY 2003 budget. The bill allocates $1.526 B for Earth science programs, not including earmarks, a decrease of $26 M to the budget request. The decrease is due primarily to an $11 M reduction to the Global Climate Change Research Initiative, primarily the Glory mission, and a recision of 0.59% applied against all projects.

The FY04 Earth science budget includes $86.9 M in specifi c earmarks, which includes $23 M for the EOSDIS Core System Synergy program to develop additional uses for EOS data, $8.5 M for an NPP data science system through ECS, and...