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The Earth Observer: Jan - Feb, 2006

Volume 18, Issue 1

In This Issue

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  • Editor’s Corner Front Cover
  • Feature Articles
  • New LDCM Memorandum from OSTP4
  • EO-1: A Pathfinder to Future Sensor Webs6
  • Students Examining the Mysteries of the Red Planet with the JASON Project and NASA10
  • Meeting/Workshop Summaries
  • AIRS Science Team Meeting12
  • Aura Science Team Meeting20
  • Fourth CERES-II Science Team Meeting25
  • In The News
  • EOSDIS In The News31
  • NASA Satellites Yield Best-Ever Antarctic Maps33
  • NASA’s Aura Satellite Peers Into Earth’s Ozone Hole34
  • Regular Features
  • Scientists in the News35
  • NASA Science Mission Directorate—Science Education Update37
  • EOS Science Calendars39

Editor’s Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist

On behalf of the The Earth Observer staff, I would like to wish all of our readers a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. I hope 2006 will be a good year for Earth Science at NASA. It is with regret that I announce the departure of Ghassem Asrar, former Deputy Associate Administrator of Science at NASA Headquarters. Asrar left NASA effective January 6 to take a position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture as Deputy Administrator of the Agricultural Research Service. Prior to the reorganization of NASA that took effect in August 2004, Asrar served as Associate Administrator of the Office of Earth Science since February 1998.

Asrar’s career at NASA began in 1987, and he was a key player in the Earth Science program from its beginnings, playing an important role in leading an international science team promoting the Earth Observing System (EOS). While serving as the Associate Administrator, the Office of Earth Science successfully launched the first EOS satellites and...