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The Earth Observer: Jan - Feb, 2023

Volume 35, Issue 1

In This Issue

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  • Feature Articles
  • NASA Unlocks Secrets of the Universe at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting5
  • Meeting Summaries
  • NASA Holds Discussions about the Future of the EOS Flagship Missions13
  • Summary of the 2022 Sun–Climate Symposium18
  • Summary of the 2022 GRACE Follow-On Science Team Meeting28
  • In The News
  • NASA Enables Future of Science Observation through Tri-band Antennas36
  • NASA Says 2022 Fifth Warmest Year on Record, Warming Trend Continues38
  • NASA-ISRO Earth Science Instruments Get Send-Off Before Moving to India40
  • Regular Features
  • NASA Earth Science in the News42
  • Earth Science Meeting and Workshop Calendar44

The Editor’s Corner

Steve Platnick

EOS Senior Project Scientist

A Message from the Executive Editor: Welcome to Volume 35 of The Earth Observer newsletter! After a nearly 34-year run as a NASA print publication, this issue of the newsletter is the first to be published exclusively as a full-color, searchable PDF file on the EOSPSO web site. For the short-term, the plan is to maintain the bimonthly pdf publication format. However, “The Editor’s Corner” of this issue offers a preview of some style and formatting changes that will be fully implemented beginning with the March–April 2023 issue. We plan other changes in due time to take better advantage of an online format. We hope the adjustment will go smoothly for those of you accustomed to reading the print version. What will not change—as has been the case since the release the very first issue in March 1989—is The Earth Observer staff’s commitment to maintaining a high-quality publication that will continue to report the latest news from NASA’s Earth Science program. Hope you enjoy this issue. —Alan Ward, Executive Editor

The Editor’s Corner of the November–December 2023 issue of The Earth Observer reported on the successful launch of the international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission on December 16, 2022. After launch, SWOT entered a period of commissioning, calibration, and validation during which engineers assess the performance of the satellite’s systems and science instruments in preparation for the commencement of science operations.