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The Earth Observer: Jul - Aug, 1998
In This Issue
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Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Science Team Meeting ... 3
EOS PM-1 Science Data Validation Workshop ......... 8
EOS PM-1 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) Science Team Meeting ...... 14
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Science Team Meeting Summary ... 16
The Measurements Of Pollutants In The Troposphere (MOPITT) Airborne Test Radiometer (MATR)...... 21
First Meeting of the Alaska SAR Facility User Working Group Yields Results Fast ........... 26
NASA Awards 51 New Earth System Science Graduate Student Fellowships ...... 23
NASA's Earth Science Enterprise/Earth Observing System Supports and Odyssey of the Mind Problem ... ... 28
NASA Demonstrates New Technology for Monitoring Fires from Space ... 29
NASA Satellite Sheds New Light on The La Nina Phenomenon ..... 32
1999 ESE Workshops Selected for NSTA National Conference .... 33
Calendars ... 35
Editor's Corner
Michael King—EOS Senior Project Scientist
Mr. A. Rick Obenschain, ESDIS Project Manager for the past two years, has agreed to become the first Center Chief of the Electrical Systems Center in the Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate (AETD) at Goddard, one of the largest of the engineering centers within AETD. This assignment will bring Rick's experience and capability to bear in a role that will have.a very significant impact on a broad scope of Goddard's engineering activities.
To replace Rick in the ESDIS Project, Ms. Dorothy (Dolly) Perkins, currently the Deputy Director of AETD, has been appointed Deputy Associate Director of Flight Projects for EOS Operations, which includes management of the ESDIS Project. Dolly previously was responsible for information and operation systems at Goddard, and chaired the EOSDIS team during the Biennial Review of EOS in 1997. She will work with Chris Scolese, the Associate Director of Flight Projects for EOS, to manage the entire scope of the EOS project activity at Goddard Space Flight Center.
An Investigators Working Group (IWG) meeting is scheduled for October 19-21 at the New England Conference Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. The primary focus of this meeting is to learn of recent progress and exciting accomplishments obtained thus far by various EOS and related Earth science investigations, and to assess plans and expectations for EOS and EOSDIS over the next couple of years.