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OCO-2 Landsat 7 Terra SMAP

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The Earth Observer: Jul - Aug, 2001

Volume 13, Issue 4

In This Issue

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  • Editor's CornerFront Cover
  • Science Team Meetings
  • Minutes of the Aqua Science Working Group Meeting3
  • Terra Cloud Mask Workshop held in Madison12
  • Science Articles
  • Earth’s Becoming A Greener Greenhouse14
  • EOS Scientists in the News15
  • Earth Science Education Program Update16
  • Dust from Africa Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms in Gulf of Mexico, Study Finds18
  • Announcements
  • KUDOS2
  • Utah State University professors receive $650,000 NASA grant to research the impact of remote sensing on wheat production13
  • New AirMISR Data Available from the ASDC17
  • Validated Level 1 ASTER Data Available17
  • Science Calendars19
  • Information/InquiriesBack cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist,

It is with both great regret and congratulations that I must announce the departure of Christopher Scolese as the Deputy Director of Flight Programs and Projects at Goddard. Chris has been named by NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin to replace Dr. Earl K. Huckins III as the Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Science. During his tenure at Goddard, which began in 1987, Chris served as the EOS Terra Project Manager responsible for the development of the five EOS Terra instruments, the CERES instrument for TRMM, the Terra spacecraft, the interface with the Earth Science Data and Information System, and the integration and launch of these elements. He was also the EOS Systems Manager responsible for the EOS system architecture and the integration of all facets of the project, and has been responsible for the adoption of common data system architecture on EOS and some other Earth orbiting spacecraft. His dedication, commitment, and tremendous contributions to the EOS program will be sorely missed.

Science Team members from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura spacecraft will participate in an EOS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) review over the next few months. The ATBD peer review process is intended to...