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The Earth Observer: May - Jun, 1992

Volume 4, Issue 3

In This Issue

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Editor's Corner

Jeff Dozier, EOS Senior Project Scientist

As part of an internal examination of all major NASA programs, Daniel Goldin, NASA Administrator, has established "red" and "blue" teams to review content, schedule, and cost of numerous NASA programs, including EOS. The blue team consists of NASA employees (Headquarters and Goddard) who "own" the program and budget resources; the red team consists of NASA employees with project management experience outside EOS. The blue team is chaired by Chris Scolese of NASA Goddard, the red team by John Casani of JPL.

The red team is meant to challenge the current approach and suggest innovations to help NASA do programs "cheaper, faster, and quicker, without compromising safety." The challenge of the red and blue teams together is to try to find more-efficient and innovative ways to implement EOS. NASA will use the results from the examination of EOS and other NASA programs to decide what NASA should and should not do in a constrained budget environment, and to set priorities consistent with proposed budgets and national interests.

The review is focused on the NASA budget for later years, not the 1993 request, which has already been pared back, consistent with congressional directives, to the current level of spending plus inflation. The overall guideline for the review process is a constant 1993 budget in the coming years, meaning that NASA would operate in the near term with as close-to-an-inflation adjustment as possible, a substantial downsizing from currently projected long-term budgets.

Goldin has set a 30 percent reduction in budget as a target-meant to make the red and blue teams stretch, explore every option, assess innovative techniques and approaches, and reassess EOS content and configurations. He has stressed that NASA does not plan to cu teach and every program by 30 percent.

This review is projected to take at least six months.