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The Earth Observer: May - Jun, 1993

Volume 5, Issue 3

In This Issue

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Atmospheres ... 10


Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) ... 14

Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) ... 15


GSFC's New Mission to Planet Earth Office ... 4

NASA Selects New Graduate Student Fellows ... 6

The Earth Observations International Coordination Working Group (EO-ICWG) ... 18

Interdisciplinary Field Experiment Data Released on CD-ROM ... 19

MECCA Identifies Uncertainties in Climate Modeling ... 22

Global Change Research in the Arctic: The IASC Global Change Program Office ... 24

New Network Information Center Supports Advanced Applications ... 25

EOSDIS Standard Data Format ... 28

What is the "The Processor?" ... 28


Congressional Hearing ... 13

Point of Contact -EOS Science Calendar ... 17

Honors - Geophysicists ... 17

ADE OS Announcement of Opportunity ... 17

ERS-1 Five Hundred Days in Orbit ... 24

Version 2 of Science Data Plan Available ... 26

NASA and MTPE Budget News ... 29

EOS Science Calendar ... 29

Global Change Calendar ... 30

The Earth Observer Information/Inquiries ... 31

Important Notice ... Back cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist

Following ESA's January decision in which they indicated their intent to provide a MIMR for the EOS PM-1 satellite, both Europe and NASA have been working on formulating an international MIMR Science Team (known as the MIMR Science Advisory Group in Europe). On May 25, Dr. Shelby Tilford approved the proposed investigations of seven team members from the U.S., four or five of whom will be named official members of the international MIMR Science Team. All seven of these scientists will be supported by NASA to develop algorithms for processing MIMR data, with particular emphasis on ocean and sea-ice applications. The European members of the Science Team, with emphasis on land remote-sensing applications, have now been selected.

In the last several issues I have reported the appointment of key scientists within the Earth Sciences Directorate as Project Scientists of individual EOS spacecraft missions. I am happy to report that Dr. Steve Wharton has agreed to be the EOSDIS Project Scientist, replacing Dr. Robert Price who has assumed new responsibilities as Director of the Mission to Planet Earth Office. Dr. Wharton has served as the Project Scientist of the Pilot Land Data System (PLDS) and the lead scientist of the Land Analysis System (LAS), developed at Goddard and now used by a large number of universities and agencies across the U.S. His new duties as the EOSDIS Project Scientist will both complement and be congruent with his position as Chief of the Global Change Data Center, within which the Goddard DAAC resides.

An EOS Science Executive Committee meeting was held on July 6 in Chicago, the main purpose of which was to address the roles and responsibilities of the SEC, the IWG, the EOS Project at Goddard and the EOS Program at NASA Headquarters.