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The Earth Observer: Nov - Dec, 1995

Volume 7, Issue 6

In This Issue

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12th TES/AES Science Team Meeting ... 3

CERES Science Team Meeting ... 5

Science Working Group for the AM Platform (SWAMP) and AM Session of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting ... 10

PANEL MEETING Report of EOSDIS Panel Meeting ... 13


Subsetting Special Interest Group Workshop ... 18

ECS Ships First Release to NASA on Schedule and Cost ... 21

Stochastic Aspects in Estimating the Probability of Producing Good Products by a System ... 23

Data Assimilation Configurations forTRMM and AM-1 ... 25

International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program Focus on Atmospheric Aerosols: Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing ... 28

NOAA Satellites and Public Health Risk Assessment: Epidemiology of Schistosomiasis in the Lower Nile Valley ... 31


Mission To Planet Earth Associate Administrator To Return To UCLA .... 33

EOSDIS VO IMS WWW Gateway ... 34

EOS Science Calendar ... 34

Global Change Science Calendar ... 35

The Earth Observer Information/Inquiries .... Back Cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist

The NASA Research Announcement (NRA) for new investigations and investigators for the Earth Observing System was distributed via the Internet (through both the Mission to Planet Earth and EOS Project Science Office home pages on World Wide Web) on September 22, and proposals were due by December 1. A total of 336 proposals were received in response to this solicitation, which can be categorized as follows:

Landsat Team Member/Leader 40           Interdisciplinary Investigations 134

MODJS Team Member 35                        New Investigator Program 65

AIRS Team Member 3                              Science Education Grant Supplement 21

TRMM Team Member 8                            Late and Non-responsive 22

Passive Microwave Team Member 8

Due to the 3-week government furlough, which included NASA, followed by the second largest snow storm this century in the Washington, DC, area, the evaluation and selection process will likely not be completed until April.

On December 15 the NASA Program Management Council (PMC), consisting of the NASA Chief Scientist, Comptroller, Associate Administrators, and chaired by the Deputy Administrator, met to reexamine the reshaping of the EOS program that was reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Sustainable Development last July and described in the last issue of The Earth Observer. The PMC was very supportive of the community consensus process that was pursued in developing the EOS strategy for technology infusion and evolution in the second and third series of spaceflight missions. Furthermore, they approved the approach of periodic (biennial) reviews of the EOS program, and recommended drafting the Program Management Agreement, the "contract" between the Associate Administrator of Mission to Planet Earth and the NASA Administrator for the implementation of the EOS program, around the 24 critical EOS measurements set. This important strategic set of key measurements is now available on World Wide Web, along...