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The Earth Observer: Nov - Dec, 1996
In This Issue
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EOS PM-1 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) Science Team Meeting .... 3
Clouds and The Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Science Team Meeting ......... 6
Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Science Team Meeting Summary ... 11
13th Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Science Team Meeting ....... 16
Landsat Science Team Holds First Meeting ... 18
Ingenuity Enables NASA Scatterometer To Study Ice, Rainforests .... 17
EOSDIS Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, and Tropospheric Chemistry Data ....... 20
Land Processes DAAC Science Advisory Panel Meets at EDC ....... 21
NSIDC User Working Group Meeting ....... 23
On Sources and Atmospheric Concentrations of Nitrous Oxide ....... 28
The National Space Grant College Program: A Resource for MTPE Educators and Researchers ... 31
Topographic Field Trip of Washington, D.C. on CD-ROM ... 32
PCs In Space .......... 34
NASA Earth System Science Fellowship Program ........ 2
LIS Science Team Announces Availability of the Global Lightning Data Sets from the OTO Experiment..... 5
KUDOS ........ 5
Three New CD-ROMs ....... 10
Global Warming and Climate Change Brochure ..... 22
What's New? ...... 26
OCTS Browse Utility Available on SeaWiFS Homepage ... 27
1997 USRA/GSFC Graduate Student Summer Program in Earth System Science ....... 33
Calendars ....... 35
The Earth Observer Information/Inquiries .... ...... Back cover
Editor's Corner
Michael King—EOS Senior Project Scientist
All EOSAM-1, LIS, and SeaWinds teams developed Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) in August. The ATBDs were recently reviewed by peer review panels in November and December 1996. These documents, developed for each data product, consist of a detailed physical and mathematical description of the algorithm, variance or uncertainty estimates, and practical considerations, such as calibration and validation, exception handling, quality control, and diagnostics. Once these teams receive their panel reports they will revise their ATBDs according to recommendations of the panels, together with written reviews received from anonymous reviewers to whom the documents were sent prior to the panel meeting. These revised ATBDs will then be posted on the World Wide Web, replacing the 1994 documents that currently reside there.
The first round of ATBD reviews will be conducted March 11-13 for ACRIM, AIRS/ AMSU/HSB, AMSR, Data Assimilation, and SAGE III. These teams delivered their ATBDs to the Project Science Office in November. This process is extraordinarily valuable to the science teams and engages the larger scientific community, both nationally and internationally, in the process of providing feedback on approaches to routine data reduction from EOS sensors.
An Investigators Working Group (IWG) meeting is now scheduled for February 25-27 in San Diego, California. As in the past couple of years, the primary focus of this meeting is to: (i) learn of recent progress and exciting accomplishments obtained thus far by various EOS...