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The Earth Observer: Nov - Dec, 2013

Volume 25, Issue 6

In This Issue

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  • Editor’s Corner Front Cover
  • Feature Articles
  • GPM Core Observatory: Advancing Precipitation Instruments and Expanding Coverage4
  • DEVELOPing the Link Between Fire and Ice: How Changes in Snowpack Impact Wildfire Occurrence in the Sierra Nevada12
  • Landsat Reaches Out: Education and Public Outreach 2006-201317
  • Announcements
  • New MOPITT Web Application for Level-2 Version 5 Data22
  • Congratulations AMS and AGU Award Winners!25
  • Climate Models Show Potential Twenty-first Century Temperature and Precipitation Changes29
  • In The News
  • Antarctic Ozone Hole Slightly Smaller than Average This Year23
  • Arctic Sea Ice Minimum in 2013 is Sixth Lowest on Record24
  • NASA Satellite Data Improving Volcanic Ash Forecasts for Aviation Safety26
  • Regular Features
  • NASA Earth Science in the News 28
  • NASA Science Mission Directorate – Science Education and Public Outreach Update 30
  • Science Calendars 31

Editor’s Corner

Steve Platnick
EOS Senior Project Scientist

The NASA Earth science story is composed of hundreds, if not thousands, of chapters about individual and group efforts, projects, experiments, missions, etc. that come together to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. One remarkable chapter involves the more than four-decade-long Landsat Program—joint with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). As with many successful flight projects, Education and Public Outreach (EPO) efforts have been an important component of the Landsat Program’s success.

For the eighth Landsat mission in the series—the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM1)—a small staff of educational professionals brought along new expertise, creativity, and personal networks that improved and significantly expanded the reach of the mission. In the words of Jim Irons [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center—LDCM Project Scientist], “The EPO staff strove...