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Landsat 7 Terra SMAP Aura

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The Earth Observer: Sep - Oct, 1994

Volume 6, Issue 5

In This Issue

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MODIS Science Team .... 12

ARTICLES The Ninth EOS Investigators Working Group Meeting .... 4

JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC Reprocesses Ten Years of Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from NOAAAVHRR .... 16

Using Artificial Intelligence to Understand EOS Data ... 18

Data Assimilation for EOS: Operational Support for NASA Campaigns ... 23

Sat View Visualization Software Available .... 28

Meeting on At-Launch Digital Elevation Model Requirements for the EOS AM Platform .... 30


NASA Graduate Student Fellowships in Global Change Research ... 15

Landsat Advisory Process: Request for Public Advice and Comments ..... 22

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE): Announcement of Opportunity for Science/Education Teams .... 22

Closure on The Global Carbon Cycle .... 29

NASA Awards Internet Public Access Grants and Cooperative Agreements .... 32

Kudos .... 34

Science Calendar ..... 34

Global Change Calendar .... 35

The Earth Observer Information/Inquiries ..... Back Cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist

Following the rebaselining of the EOS program this past summer, and with the full cooperation of the principal investigators and team leaders of all 18 EOS instrument science teams, I was able to establish viable multi-year science team budgets for all investigations through fiscal year 2000. These budgets have been communicated to all team leaders in guideline letters that further eliminate the heretofore barrier between science computing facility and algorithm development expenditures. Although the overall science budget for algorithm development has been reduced in accordance with the recommendations of the Payload Panel (The Earth Observer, Vol. 6, No. 4), it nevertheless has been possible to establish new funding lines for calibration and validation activities. In addition, funds have been identified to support the formation of some new Science Teams, such as those for Landsat-7 and the Dual Frequency Altimeter. Ghassem Asrar is currently working on an Announcement of Opportunity to be released in the Spring that will solicit proposals for these new teams, as well as a "young investigator" program, the replacement and/ or augmentation of some existing facility science teams (where gaps have been identified), and a correlative measurement (validation) program.

The Payload Panel Report recommended a reduction in algorithm development funding, as well as support for a revised mission profile capable of accommodating the EOS budget reduction (see recent issues of The Earth Observer). Additionally, the Report recommended that...