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The Earth Observer: Sep - Oct, 1997

Volume 9, Issue 5

In This Issue

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Science Meetings

Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Science Team Meeting .... 3

First JPL Workshop on Remote Sensing of Land Surface Emissivity .... 8


Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) Evolves, While Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE) Continues in Support of SeaWiFS, MODIS, and OCTS .... 15

Looking Down, Looking Across: NCAR's Contributions to EOS ..... 20

First Phase of Earth Science Data Purchase Awards Selected ..... 25

Hierarchical Data Format for the Earth Observing System (HDF-EOS) Software Developer/Vendor Workshop ... 26

Major Earth Science Spacecraft Reaches Critical Milestone ...... 29

Tropospheric Ozone Measurements and Their Use in Validation of TOMS and SAGE Data Products .... 31

1998 USRA/GSFC Graduate Student Summer Program in Earth System Science ..... 34

Education Highlights-AGGI Launches Pesto for Teacher Enhancement ..... 36

RADAR SAT Gives First Mapping of the Antartic ....... 38


Landsat 7 Data Prices Announced ...... 28

"A Victory for Common Sense" .... 30

UNEP's Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1997 Interim Summary Available at SEDAC ..... 34

Kudos ..... 35

Global Science Calendar ..... 39

EOS Science Calendar .... 39

Editor's Corner

Michael King—EOS Senior Project Scientist

On October 27, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate approved the Appropriations Conference Committee bill that provides funding to the Veterans Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies (including NASA) for FY 98. The NASA budget was approved at $13.6 B, of which the Office of Mission to Planet Earth Budget was $1.417 B. Of this budget, $679.7 M is for the Earth Observing System (EOS), $244.7 M for EOSDIS, and $325.3 M for science, including both the research & analysis program and the EOS Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) investigations. The conference report includes earmarks of $20 M of the MTPE budget for a lightning mapper for geosynchronous orbit, five consortia for regional use of EOS data, and funds for satellite imagery for use in urban planning.

NASA will fly an infrared coherent Doppler laser in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle to see if a space-based sensor can accurately measure global winds within the Earth's atmosphere from just above the surface to a height of about 16 km. Successful measurements in this region of the atmosphere could lead to improved weather forecas ting and better understanding of climate-related events. Based on technology tested aboard research aircraft, the Space-Readiness Coherent Lidar Experiment (SPARCLE) will detect the frequency shift of a laser pulse as it reflects off dust and aerosol particles moving with the winds.