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The Earth Observer: Sep - Oct, 2001

Volume 13, Issue 5

In This Issue

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  • Editor's CornerFront Cover
  • Science Team Meetings
  • Summary of the AIRS Science Team Meeting June 19-21, 2001, Pasadena, CA3
  • MISR Science Team Meeting6
  • User Working Group Meeting: ORNL DAAC for Biogeochemical Dynamics11
  • Meeting of Federation of Earth Science Information Partners19
  • Alaska SAR Facility (ASF) User Working Group Meeting21
  • Science Articles
  • MODIS Land Rapid Response: Operational Use of Terra Data for USFS Wildfire Management8
  • Report from the GOFC—Fire: Satellite Product Validation Workshop, Gulbenkian Foundation15
  • Remote Sensing of Forest Cover in Western Russia and Fennoscandia23
  • EOS Scientists In The News25
  • Announcements
  • KUDOS2
  • 6,000 See ESE Electronic Theater, in Madison, WI18
  • SAGE II V.6.1 data set is now publicly available21
  • LIS and OTD Gridded Re-analysis Data Sets Released22
  • Science Calendars27
  • Information/InquiriesBack cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King, EOS Senior Project Scientist

I'm pleased to report that the Appropriations bill that provides funding to the Veterans Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies (including NASA) for FY2002 has been submitted to the President for approval. The bill appropriates $14.79B for NASA for FY 2002, which is $540M more than the FY 2001 budget. The bill allocates $1.573 billion for Earth science programs, an increase of $58.5M to the budget request.

The Earth science budget includes $40.5 M in specific earmarks, which includes an increase of $23.5M for the Synergy program to develop additional uses for EOS data, and an increase of $6M for the EOSDIS Core System to expand its data processing and distribution capabilities. The allocation of some earmarks to account for a $17.5M general reduction in the FY02 initial operating plan was not finished at the time of printing, and...