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Science Communication Material

NASA's Earth Observing System provides a variety of materials available for download. Feel free to choose a category below:

CloudSat and CALIPSO
PDF icon CloudSat_CALIPSO.pdf

Informational brochure on NASA’s CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites.

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The Balance of Power in the Earth-Sun System
PDF icon NASA-Facts-EnergyBalance.pdf

The Sun is the major source of energy for Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, land, and biosphere. Averaged over an entire year, approximately 342 watts of solar energy fall upon every square meter of Earth.

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The Importance of Understanding Cloud
PDF icon NASA-Facts-UnderstandingClouds.pdf

One of the most interesting features of Earth, as seen from space, is the ever-changing distribution of clouds. They are as natural as anything we encounter in our daily lives. As they float above us, we hardly give their presence a second thought. And yet, clouds have an enormous influence on Earth’s energy balance, climate, and weather.

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PDF icon Aura_Brochure.pdf

Aura’s four instruments study the atmosphere’s chemistry and dynamics, and enable us to investigate questions about ozone trends, air quality changes and their linkage to climate change. Aura’s measurements provide accurate data for predictive models and useful information for local and national agency decision support systems. Aura was the third in a series of large Earth observing platforms to be flown by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) with international contributions. Aura along with EOS Terra (launched December, 1999) and Aqua (launched May, 2002) provide an unprecedented view of the global Earth system.

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PDF icon 2004Aura_SW_Guide- FINAL with new messages 5-13-04.pdf

NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura satellite is a NASA mission whose purpose is to study the Earth’s ozone, air quality and climate. This mission is designed specifically to conduct research on the composition, chemistry and dynamics of the Earth’s upper and lower atmosphere employing multiple instruments on a single satellite.

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EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (Revised 2004)
PDF icon data_products_1.pdf

Revised January 2004: This is a "living" document in that the web version is being updated periodically. It is designed to provide you with information about the products available through the EOSDIS system in the TRMM and Terra (formerly AM-1) timeframes. If you already know the product name, it may be found in the summary List of Products beginning on page ix by either the Product ID or the Data Set Name. Both the Product ID and the Data Set Name will direct you to the page number on which you will find the corresponding Product Description and other information. If you are beginning your research into what products are available through the Earth-Sun System Mission (formerly the Earth Science Enterprise), you may choose to investigate the twelve science chapters in this document beginning with the Radiance and Imagery products. Data sets are grouped by these classifications, which are derived from the 24 EOS critical science measurements. Each category provides a framework for understanding the science objectives as well as providing a thumbnail sketch of what the product is designed to do. Investigators may also cross-reference products by their source instrument and archive. That information, as well as page numbers, is provided in the List of Products. This document also contains information about the EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) and the EOS instrument teams. Access information about the DAACs is contained in Chapter Two. Information about the TRMM and Terra instrument teams is contained in Chapter Three.

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A-Train Fact Sheet
PDF icon A-Train_Fact_Sheet.pdf

Over the next five years, NASA’s ESE plans to launch four satellite missions that will fly in formation with each other and with the Aqua satellite, which has been in orbit since May 2002. Each individual mission has its own objectives and will improve our understanding of aspects of the Earth’s climate. The real advantage of formation flying, however is that the data from the various satellites are synergistic.

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Aerosols: More than Meets the Eye
PDF icon NASA-Facts-Aerosols.pdf

You can’t really see individual aerosol particles with your eyes—but you can see the impact they have all around you. Aerosols are extremely important to life on Earth. Every time you see a cloud form, you are seeing aerosols at work. Without them, cloud formation would be next to impossible in Earth’s atmosphere.

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MODIS-Rapid Response
PDF icon 2003_MODIS_Rapid_Response.pdf

In mid-July 2002, lightning started a fire in the Klamath Mountains in southwestern Oregon that eventually burned over the state line into California and consumed more than 400,000 acres by late August. The Biscuit fire became one of the largest in the state’s history, threatening not only human life and property, but also three nationally designated wild and scenic rivers and habitat for several species of plants and animals already at risk of extinction. Firefighters also had their hands full with other fires across the state, including the Tiller Complex Fire to the northeast.

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PDF icon Aqua_brochure.pdf

Aqua is a satellite mission aimed at improving our understanding of the Earth/atmosphere system, along with changes occurring within it, through the monitoring and analysis of dozens of Earth variables from a space-based platform orbiting the Earth. Aqua is part of the Earth Observing System (EOS), an international Earth-focused satellite program centered at the United States (U.S.) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

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