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Science Communication Material

NASA's Earth Observing System provides a variety of materials available for download. Feel free to choose a category below:

MODIS-Japan (2003)
PDF icon 2003_MODIS_Japan.pdf

This spectacular Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image of Japan, eastern North and South Korea, northeast China, and southeast Russia is based on the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer of our planet.

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NASA Applied Sciences Program (2011)
PDF icon Applied_Science Brochure_508.pdf

The NASA Applied Sciences Program promotes and funds activities that discover and demonstrate innovative uses and practical benefits of NASA’s Earth science resources. By partnering with public and private organizations to apply NASA scientific findings and Earth observing data to decision-making activities, the Applied Sciences Program actively benefits society through Earth science.

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NASA AQAST: Serving the Needs of U.S. Air Quality Management (2011)
PDF icon 2011508_Compliant_NO2_2005-11_US.pdf

In 2011, NASA’s Applied Sciences Program created the Air Quality Applied Sciences Team, or AQAST, to serve the needs of U.S. air quality management through the use of Earth science satellite data, suborbital data, and models. Satellites are a powerful resource for monitoring changes in air quality. This card shows annual mean satellite observations of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide decrease between 2005 and 2010 as a result of federal and state regulations on emissions.

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NASA Earth Observations Serving Society (2007)
PDF icon science_for_society.pdf

This brochure offers an overview of the NASA Earth Science Applications, which benchmark practical uses of NASA-sponsored observations from Earth observation systems and predictions from Earth science models. NASA implements projects that carry forth this mission through partnerships with public, private, and academic organizations. These partnerships focus on innovative approaches for using Earth science information to provide decision support that can be adapted in applications worldwide.

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NASA Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (2012)
PDF icon 2012NASA_Hurricane_and_Severe_Storm_Sentinel_HS3_508 Compliant.pdf

Learn how NASA plans to use Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to study hurricanes and severe storms in the Atlantic Basin.

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NASA's Hyperwall: Revealing the Big Picture (2011)
PDF icon 2011508_Compliant_HYPERWALL_PromoCard_EARTH.pdf

We invite you to explore science at NASA. From the universe, to your backyard, we’ve got something to show you! Wondering what The Big Picture on the front of this card is all about? Find out on the other side. For starters, we’ve chosen a few examples of stories you may have seen on NASA’s Hyperwall. But that’s not all, you’ll also find links that allow you to discover extraordinary examples of our changing planet, and watch fascinating visualizations from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.

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NASA's Hyperwall: Revealing the Big Picture (2011)
PDF icon 2011508_Compliant_HYPERWALL_PromoCard_Science_Mission_Directorate_(SMD).pdf

We invite you to explore science at NASA. From the universe, to your backyard, we’ve got something to show you! Wondering what The Big Picture on the front of these two cards is all about? Find out on the other side. For starters, we’ve chosen a few examples of stories you may have seen on NASA’s Hyperwall. But that’s not all, you’ll also find links that allow you to discover extraordinary examples of our changing planet, and watch fascinating visualizations from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio.

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Nitrogen Dioxide (2011)
PDF icon NO2poster_508.pdf

Learn about this toxic gas and about some of its primary sources. Did you know that most of the sources of nitrogen dioxide are human-made? Find out how, here!

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Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 (2008)
PDF icon 2008OSTM_SWG.pdf

The Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 advances our understanding of ocean circulation and will improve our ability to forecast climate events and measure global sea-level change. The instruments on board are designed to map ocean surface topography to provide information on ocean wave heights, sea surface topography, tides, and water vapor. OSTM/Jason-2 continues the tasks of the Jason-1 mission.

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Operation IceBridge (2010)
PDF icon 2010_Operation_IceBridge_Litho.pdf

What’s Operation IceBridge all about? This one-pager sums it up, highlighting images and facts that characterize NASA’s six-year airborne mission to monitor Earth’s polar ice sheets, glaciers and sea ice. Display the front of the lithograph to showcase flight lines from the 2010 campaign over Arctic sea ice and Greenland’s land ice. Turn the lithograph over to read about the mission’s science goals, aircraft and instruments.

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